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Classical Vs Classical Art History

The Enduring Legacy of Classicism in Art and Architecture

What is Classicism?

Classicism is an aesthetic attitude and art style inspired by or reproducing the themes, techniques, and subjects of classical antiquity, particularly ancient Greece and Rome.

Historical Evolution of Classicism

Throughout history, the definition of classicism has evolved. In the 16th century, it referred to the rediscovery of classical principles in art and architecture after the Middle Ages.

Aesthetic Principles of Classicism

Classicism is characterized by:

  • Emphasis on proportion, balance, and harmony
  • Clear and simple forms
  • Use of symmetrical compositions

Examples of Classical Art and Architecture

Notable examples of classical art and architecture include:

  • The Parthenon, Greece
  • The Roman Colosseum
  • Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa"
  • The White House, USA

Contemporary Influences of Classicism

Elements of classicism continue to influence modern art and architecture, such as:

  • Neoclassicism in the 18th and 19th centuries
  • Classical motifs in contemporary art
  • Classical proportions in modern buildings


Classicism has played a profound role in shaping the history of art and architecture. Its enduring principles of proportion, balance, and harmony continue to inspire artists and architects today, highlighting the timeless appeal of classical aesthetics.
